Vacation Club Resales Disclaimer ![Vacation Club Resales Vacation Club Resales](/images/newgirl4.png)
Vacation Club Resales provides a listing service only. The advertisement information provided on this Website is provided "as is" and is provided without warranty/guarantee for the correctness of accuracy, reliability or trustworthiness, whether expressed or implied in anyway. Vacation Club shall not be liable for the use of the site, including without limitation, the content and any errors contained therein under any direct or indirect circumstances.
At Vacation Club Resales we do not provide financial advice. If you are considering purchasing a membership it is recommended that you refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) issued by the relevant Club; the current PDS for each Club is generally accessible on their website.
We also recommend that you obtain independent advice before making any decision to buy, sell or hold a Club membership or Timeshare listed on this website.
All advertisement information is completely the responsibility of the "Seller". The "Seller", being an entity as an individual or an organisation responsible for the placement of an advertisement on this website. It is also the Seller’s responsibility to attend to all enquires pertaining to their advertised Timeshare or Club Membership. Vacation Club Resales is not involved with and does not take any responsibility with the transfer of memberships, points or credits.
Vacation Club Resales is not responsible or liable for any losses that may be incurred, directly or indirectly related to the use of, or the inability to use, the site and the content, materials, services and functions in the site, including but not limited to, the loss of any funds or future earnings.
The use of this Website is completely at the User's own risk. If you are dissatisfied with the site, services or any materials on the site, you should discontinue using the site.